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Also known as:
Acton Scott Working Farm Museum
Instance of:
Museum/collection status:
Accredited Museum
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Collection-level records:

  • Collection overview (Cornucopia)

    Transport Collection

    The transport collection consists of a group of farm vehicles appropriate to the general operation of the site, and of late 19th./early The collection focuses on horse-drawn farm vehicles of late 19th./early 20th. century date.


    Agriculture; Transport; Horse-drawn transport; Western European

    Photographic Collection

    The photographic collection records agriculture and country crafts around the turn of the 19th. and 20th.C. The small photographic collection relates to agriculture and country crafts around the turn of the 19th. and 20th. century.


    Photographic equipment; Photography; Western European

    Agriculture Collection

    The impressive agriculture collection includes hand tools, implements, feed processing machinery, and vehicles and machinery relating to horse-drawn husbandry. Dairying and cheesemaking are well represented, and large-scale artefacts include two threshing boxes and a working forge. The material dates from the late 19th./early 20th.C. The agriculture collection includes hand tools, implements, feed processing machinery, vehicles and machinery relating to horse-drawn husbandry. There are two threshing-boxes and a working forge, and cheese-making and dairying are well represented.


    World culture; Food processing; Agriculture

    Source: Cornucopia

    Date: Not known, but before 2015

    Licence: CC BY-NC

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