Slide 1. Icon of cloud containing documents appears. Caption reads: The data repository.
Slide 2. Three museum building icons appear to the left of the cloud. Caption reads: Museums and other museum-like collections.
Slide 3. A settings icon depicting two cogs appears between the museums and the cloud. Caption reads: Museum data profiles (privacy, licensing, mappings, etc).
Slide 4. An arrow appears, from the museums to the settings icon. Caption reads: Museums supply data however it’s easiest for them (any technical means and any format).
Slide 5. A second arrow appears, from the settings icon to the cloud. Caption reads: Copies of records made (with persistent identifiers).
Slide 6. A third arrow appears, from the museums to a new icon of three images located beneath the cloud. Caption reads: Images located elsewhere.
Slide 7. A double-ended arrow connects the images and the cloud. Caption reads: but linked to relevant records.
Slide 8. To the right of the cloud, some icons appear representing different data users: an academic mortar-board hat, a building to suggest an organisational user, and two people icons. Caption reads: Data users.
Slide 9: A search box icon appears between the cloud and the users. Caption reads: Web interface to find and select data
Slide 10: An API icon depicting a plug and a socket appears between the search box and the users. Arrows lead from the cloud to the search box to the API to the users. Caption reads: APIs to get selected data to users.
Slide 11: A download icon depicting a down arrow pointing into a filing tray appears, along with an arrow from the search box to the users. Caption reads: Or downloads.
Slide 12: An arrow appears from the image icons to the users. Caption reads: (and any images via links).
Slide 13: Finally, an arrow appears from the users back to the cloud. Caption reads: New and enhanced data can be sent to the repository too.