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geological museum
Museum/collection status:
Accredited Museum; Designated Collection
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Collection-level records:

  • Collection overview (Cornucopia)

    Geology Collection

    The Ketley collection was acquired in 1880 and subsequently augmented by family bequests in 1964 and 1968. It contains Silurian and Carboniferous fossils from the Midlands, and especially from the Wenlock area. The Holcroft collection was mainly given by Sir Charles Holcroft (1831-1917), with the remainder given by his nephew after his death. It contains over 4000 specimens of paleontologically important Silurian fossils together with some Carboniferous plants. The Lapworth collection was made by the museum’s founder, and constitutes a reference tool of international importance. It contains some 6000 items, mainly graptolites. The Coope collection centres around the collections of F.W. Shotton, G.R. Coope and their co-workers. Over 50000 specimens include large numbers of beetles and of Quaternary vertebrates and recent material. The Palaeontology collection of around 70000 specimens spans the whole fossil record but with particular strengths in Palaeozoic invertebrates and Palaeozoic-Cenozoic fish. The Humphries odontological collection consists of about 2000 items, mainly fossil and recent vertebrate teeth and skulls. It was bequeathed to the Medical School c.1919, and subsequently divided between three different faculties. It was re-united in the Lapworth Museum in 1996. The mineral collection comprises around 12000 items, including collections of agates collected by Charles Lapworth, and an important Victorian collection assembled by William McLean (incorporating material collected by John Percy FRS), and the Cornish mineral collection of William Murdock, an associate of Matthew Boulton at the Soho Manufactory and the inventor of gas lighting. Significant archive material is held in association with the McLean and Murdock collections. The petrology (rock) collection contains over 50000 specimens and includes representative thin sections and geochemical preparations from theses and scientific publications. These core collections form the main strength of the museum. They are based on the assembly of a group of important specialist collections made by named individuals.


    Mammals; Fossils; Natural Sciences; Geology; Minerals

    Biology Collection

    The Type and Figured collection includes around 2300 specimens illustrated in scientific publications, many of which are designated as zoological or botanical type specimens. The biology collection consists mainly of the Type and Figured collection.


    Mammals; Plants; Fish; Birds; Biology

    Personalia Collection

    The personalia collection comprises maps, paintings, geological field equipment and laboratory equipment relating to West Midlands geologists. The personalia collection comprises material relating to West Midlands geologists.


    Personalia; People; People (scientific)

    Archaeology Collection

    The stone implement collection is centred on the Dewey, Patterson and Wallis collections. The museum also houses a reference collection of stone implement petrology slides on behalf of the Council for British Archaeology. The stone implement collection is supported by a collection of stone implement petrology slides.


    Archaeology; Archaeology (settlement)

    Photographic Collection



    Photographic equipment; Photography

    Science and Industry Collection

    Science and Industry.


    Industry and commerce; Science and Industry

    Archives Collection

    The archive collection includes original note books, field maps, correspondence and other literature of Profs. C. Lapworth, F.W. Shotton and L.J. Wills. It also includes material relating to the mineral collections of William McLean and William Murdock. The collection includes original documents prepared by various individuals associated with the University.


    Documents (historic); Archives; Documents (personal)

    Source: Cornucopia

    Date: Not known, but before 2015

    Licence: CC BY-NC

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