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Wikidata identifier:
Instance of:
museum; university museum
Museum/collection status:
Accredited Museum
Accreditation number:
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Collection-level records:

  • Collection overview (Cornucopia)


    Museum contains an outstanding collection of over 600 plaster casts of Greek and Roman sculpture. These include the Sunium Kouros c.600BC; Six archaic female statues (korai) from excavations on the Athenian Acropolis in the 1880s; a re-assembled cast of the ‘Rampin Horsemen’; Two pedimental groups from the 5th century temple of Zeus at Olympia and six metopes showing the Labours of Herakles from the same site; sculptured reliefs for the ‘Choregic monuments of Lysicrates’ in Athens; major pieces of Greek bronze sculpture; a collection of 60 Roman portrait busts from the 1st century BC.

    Source: Cornucopia

    Date: Not known, but before 2015

    Licence: CC BY-NC

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