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Wikidata identifier:
Also known as:
Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Amgueddfa ac Oriel yr Ysgol Gelf, Aberystwyth University School of Art Museum and Galleries
Instance of:
organization; museum; university museum; art gallery
Museum/collection status:
Accredited Museum
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Object records:
Yes, see object records for this museum

Collection-level records:

  • Collection overview (Cornucopia)

    Ancient Egyptian Collection

    The museum holds about 55 ancient Egyptian objects. Classes of objects represented in the collection include: amulets; faience dish; glass vessels; jewellery; metal figures (fragments); relief sculpture; shabtis; cosmetic palette; stone vessels; tools. Objects are known to have come from the following locations in Egypt (with the name of the excavator/sponsor and year of excavation given where possible): Gizeh; Kafr Ammar (Mackay and Petrie – British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1911-1912); Riqqeh (Engelbach et al. – British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1912-1913); Saqqarah; Tarkhan (Petrie et al. – British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1911-1913).


    Antiquities; Ancient civilizations; Antiquity; Archaeological sites; Archaeological objects; Egyptology; Archaeological excavations

    Source: Cornucopia

    Date: Not known, but before 2015

    Licence: CC BY-NC

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