- Title:
- Aberdeen War Memorial and Art Gallery
- Object name(s):
- slide
- Collection:
- Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums
- Acquisition method:
- Unknown
- Associated concept:
- Photography
- Associated date:
- C.1930
- Associated person:
- Aberdeen Art Gallery
- Current location:
- View by Appointment - Aberdeen Treasure Hub
- Dimension:
- 8.2 x 8.2cm
- Material:
- glass
- Object name:
- slide (TYPE)
- Object number:
- ABDMS072088.1
- Object production date:
- Date - earliest / single:
- 1930
- Date - latest:
- 1930
- Object status:
- Accessioned object
- Responsible department/section:
- Social History
- Text:
- Website Text
- Text reference number:
- https://emuseum.aberdeencity.gov.uk/objects/83037
Persistent shareable link for this record: https://museumdata.uk/objects/555c40a9-5a05-3dab-b48b-1d09b121286c
Use licence for this record: CC 0
Attribution for this record: https://museumdata.uk/objects/555c40a9-5a05-3dab-b48b-1d09b121286c, Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums, CC 0
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